5 Amazing Crappie Fishing Lures

Source: AnglersEscape
So in front of me are my favorite five crappie fishing lures. I've caught hundreds of crappies over the year. I want to give you guys some quick tips on catching them and what lures to use. So number one is going to be my favorite. And throughout this video, I'm going to throw in clips of me catching some crappy with these lures.
Marabou jig
My favorite is a marabou jig. And these come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. And right here is a one-eighth-ounce Marabou jig. This I really like to throw in the spring and the summer, and in the winter, I really like to downsize because the fish are a little more finicky, and they like smaller baits. And I'll throw on a one 64 oz marabou jig.
Two in one cast doesn't get any better than that.
Roadrunner hybrid with Marabou jig
Sometimes in the summer, I'll even use kind of a Roadrunner hybrid with Marabou jig to catch these crappies is also a little weedless If there are lots of snags in the area, this can help out there.
Jig head with a plastic lure
Now let me go ahead and start with number two, my second favorite crappie fishing lure, and that's any jig head with a plastic. And so here, my favorite plastic for crappie fishing would have to be just a twin-tailed regular crappie jig. And so this has mimics a minnow rider, and it's a that's a one eight-ounce jig head. I really liked that presentation, especially in the chartreuse color. My second favorite plastic is just a twister tail like these right here, another crappie jig, excellent crappie bait. And third is the sassy shad is Another great plastic for crappie fishing.
So these two are by far my favorite fishing lures, the Maribou jigs and the plastics. And then the last three I'll show you are good for crappie, but I also like him because they allow me to catch other fish species like bass, but I'm not going to be catching quite as many crappies.
Inline Spinner
So let's go ahead and move on to number three then. And that's the inline spinner.
So here is a blue Fox inline spinner. That's a great brand, and here's a Panther Martin inline spinner and another great brand.
I usually get size one and size two, and the Panther Martin spinners do catch a lot of crappie and maybe not quite as much as the jigs, but I also catch a lot of bass and other random fish and ponds and lakes when I use these lures.
Blade Bait and Lipless Crankbait
And so now moving on to number four, that's either a blade bait or lipless crankbait.
And so I usually stick around the size of about one inch for these crappie may be to about one and a half inches. These have a lot of erratic action. They put off a lot of vibration, and I do catch a lot of crappie on them. And the nice thing about these is I catch a lot of bass as well.
Then finally, Moving on to number five or just crankbaits in general.
And usually, I'm going to be; if I'm crappie fishing with crankbaits, I'm going to be using a minnow style crankbait. So they're pretty long and slender profile, but no more than two inches. This one has a pretty big bill.
So it goes down a little deeper where the crappie are. If they're in deeper waters where this one has a pretty small bill, so it's more staying closer to the surface. So we're going to be doing this if the crappie are shallow. And finally, sometimes we'll even throw a little bit bigger of a crankbait, but still again, no more than two inches long. And this has a pretty big bill. It's going down to some decent depths, and I believe this is a wiggle wart, which is another good Lure for crappie. And a lot of times, I'll catch bass on the side.
I see a lot of fish activity on you. All right. That is a nice one is really nice size crappie. You hit a huge crankbait for bass.
My Crappie Fishing Lures Final Thoughts
Again, I want to reemphasize jigs are the best, but if you want to catch crabbie and other fish species, the other three work well.
And finally, another tip is to use some crappie nibbles with your jigs.
Over the last years, at first, I was pretty suspicious that these didn't really help. It was just a marketing scheme, but I have found they have increased my catch a little bit. And I think with only four bucks for, I don't know, probably 200 Baits in here, it's a good deal. Lasts me about two years.
So I hope you learned something here today, and you'll try one of these crappie fishing lures out, and thanks for watching.