Winter Bass Fishing Texas: Catch More Bass This Winter

As the cold weather sets in and fishing slows down, it's always a good idea to have some winter bass fishing texas tips on hand. Then, it's time to put on those long johns and get back out on the water.
When the weather is cold, it is tempting to stay inside. Although I'm more of a summer person, I love fishing in the winter too! I've enjoyed some great days on the water this time of year. Here is the good news: you can, too! I have caught some big bass, and I am here to let you know how!
Winter Bass Fishing Texas
In the winter, you may not spend as much time on the water, but you can catch as much fish, if not more if you plan the day well.
The last few years have been extremely cold in Texas, and you may think you can't fish in such conditions. However, the key to catching more Bass in Texas this winter is understanding a few basics about winter bass fishing.
Here are some tips to help you stay comfortable, have a great time on the water, and catch more fish this winter.
Find the Best Winter Bass Locations
In the winter, GPS fish finders are often of great help to me. As the bass move, deeper electronics make it easier to see where the deep holes are and how the bottom of the water looks. Locate Bass in crucial pieces of a waterbed's location using the side scan and down imaging features.
You can choose the best winter bass sites based on the weather. Occasionally, good spots get better with sun exposure, but this is not a factor in turning bad spots into good spots.
As you consider the sun, you should consider other factors, such as where the fish come from, where the rocks are, what kind of terrain it is, or how deep it is.
For example, when a stream channel goes around a long, sharp bend and a large stump row outside that turn, the hole tends to be deeper.
Water depths
It's key to remember that depth is relative and how deep you fish depends on the lake you are fishing. Some lakes are just 10 feet deep underwater, while others are 40-50 feet deep.
Although they do not feed as much as they do in the fall or summer, Bass usually follow baitfish.
Largemouth bass prefer to live near their food source, just like other fish.
I've observed that winter bass tend to eat when hungry. I, therefore, look for baitfish, which are considered to be their food source. My efforts in Texas are focused on finding schools of large shads and gizzard shads.
As the weather freezes, Bass will dive into deeper, warmer water. Only when the Bass are hunting baitfish and ready to feed that they return to shallow areas.
Best Times to Catch Bass On Cold Texas Days

Generally, I have found the best time to fish is between 10 am and 8 pm in the winter. On cold days, the afternoon is generally the best time. Fishing when the sun is at its highest and the water has had enough time to warm up.
Daylight is a good time, especially for bass fishing. Leaving mid-morning and fishing through the warmest part of the day will give you the best chance to get bites.
The sun has heated the water temperature, the fishing is active, and the Bass are feeding.
How do I Catch Big Winter Bass in Texas?
As the weather gets colder and the winter patterns begin, big largemouth bass will move into two distinct areas: deep ditches and steep banks. A steep bank provides easy access to the top of the water column without traveling long distances. Bass, however, require fast access to the open waters to hunt for baitfish.
The big bass will be in deep water, so use a jig rig or Carolina rig to target these areas. However, when winter bass are finicky, slow retrieval and moving as slowly as possible is the best method.
Baitfish will lead you to the Bass, so keep an eye out for them.

Here is a list of my winter bass fishing texas tips FAQs that people regularly ask:
Can you bass fish in the winter in Texas?
Yes, you can; you just need to know-how. With the correct technique, you will catch as much as you would typically in the warmer months.
How do you fish for Bass in the winter?
Fishing in different lakes will have different results. Some lakes are only 10 feet deep, but others are 40-50 feet deep. Even though they don't feed as much as they did in the fall and summer, largemouth bass usually follow baitfish.
During the coldest part of the day, they seek refuge in the deeper water. Then, as the sun heats shallow water areas, they will move into these areas to catch baitfish.
What can I fish for in the winter in Texas?
In Texas, the winter months are still good for catching smallmouth and largemouth bass. However, you can make your fishing trip successful by planning appropriately and efficiently.
What lures are good for winter bass fishing?
During the winter, jigging is one of the best techniques for catching largemouth bass. Jigs are lures that contain lead or another weight on the end of your line. Afterward, you lower your lure in the water column and slowly pull it up.
Another great way is to use one of my favorite rigs and match the hatch. When I need to get a lure to a certain depth, I use a split shot rig.
Make your lures look natural so the Bass won't be intimidated. Choosing natural colors that match the baitfish the Bass are hunting will improve your chances.
How do you catch big Bass in the winter?
My best advice would be to jig for them as you would typically do. When the weather gets cold, you have to go deeper in search of larger Bass.
Test submerging your lure into deeper water to see if it works. When you are fishing the cold water of Texas, make controlled and slow movements when retrieving.
Where are big Bass in the winter?
In the winter, big Bass can be found in deep ditches and steep banks. They may be suspended in the middle of the water column where you drop from shallow to deep water.
If you are jigging for Bass, try fishing these top areas since you may find big ones there as they hunt for baitfish.
How deep do Bass go in the winter?
The best advice I can give you is to use your electronics to determine where you should fish. If you don't have a depth finder, you can cast into a part of the water you know you can reach. After that, if you don't get a bite or catch anything, you can search deeper holes and ditches with multiple casts.
You will need to be patient, though, as the Bass are sluggish this time of year. We anglers have to take a different, slower approach as a result.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, you can still catch Texas largemouth Bass in the winter. During the winter, Texas bass fishing can be terrific.
It would help if you started by fishing the areas where you have caught fish in the past. There is no need to worry if it is 30 feet deep. You will catch them there until they move into shallower water, where they can be caught by jigging.
Try using natural colors and movement patterns so you don't spook off large amounts of baitfish and cause them not to come to your lure. You can save yourself a ton of time and energy by figuring out what's going on down there at the depth where the big Bass are.
The Bass tend to be sluggish and fussy around this time of year, so patience is the key to success.
Make sure you study your lake thoroughly before you head out there and fish when the air temperature is at its warmest.
Don't forget to stay warm and safe! Happy winter Texas fishing!